Welcome to eVAL first issue!

The eVal publication is a designated space for publishing texts that will contribute to socioeconomic development. It aims to present results of original research and evaluations, conference proceedings and overviews of successful projects. Our intention is to capture diverse scholarly interests of academic and expert community and other sources of knowledge and information relevant to socioeconomic development and EU integration process.

Knowledge is sometimes hidden under the layers of the World Wide Web, the eVAL contributes to knowledge dissemination with the purpose to empower wider community of citizens and policy makers in the quest for accountability and informed policy making. It has been felt that even the most important decisions are made with not sufficient evidence base, and without engagement of the wider public and eVAL will connect development issues, lessons learned from different projects in Bosnia and other countries on the one hand, and evaluations and policy relevant research on the other.

The eVAL also serves as knowledge depository, where recommendations, methods and experts will be promoted.

Every issue will have a short overview on previous month of economic and political developments. An introduction text within the Eurometar section will give us an insight into the current state of the EU integration process, we shall present monitoring tool that will in a simple and practical framework provide regional comparison in the EU integration process. In every issue we will present a certain topic in more details, with applied research and an interview with an eminent expert in that area. The special report section presents a topic that is important from socioeconomic development perspectives. In future issues, we shall through PresR present results of researches, evaluations or projects that are important to be disseminates and understood by wider public and decision makers. The eVAL will also be home for regional exchange of policy relevant research and good practices and each issue will present a number of selected indicators, and lot more.

This content demonstrates how complex is the issue of socioeconomic development and just how wide-ranging and diverse the interests of the development community.

The eVAL is funded on the philosophy of “sharing”. By sharing, our knowledge is not going to decrease, on the contrary, it will grow and improve. Only knowledge on things can secure meaning to the freedom of choice and accountability in decisions making.

This inaugural issue owes much to many people and organizations. Thanks are due first to the BHEVAL founding members, where the idea originated, for supporting it so wholeheartedly and for their unfailing support. Thanks are also due to the authors that dedicated their time, experience and expertise as well as their enthusiasm for sharing. Thanks are due to the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation- IOCE, which recognized and supported the publication of two issues and making of our website and IT solutions without which the dissemination would be impossible.

Enjoy your reading!

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